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2 Resultados de traducción para neglect en español

noun | verb

neglect noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
negligencia, descuido, incumplimiento

Ejemplos de uso de
neglect noun

  • The park was overgrown and littered from years of neglect.
  • The parents were charged with child neglect.
  • The house is in a state of neglect.

neglect verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
neglected, has neglected, is neglecting, neglects
desatender, descuidar; no cumplir con, faltar a

Ejemplos de uso de
neglect verb

  • The building has been neglected for years.
  • The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long.
  • The prison guard neglected his duty.

Sinónimos de
neglect verb

Sinónimos detallados para neglect verb

Neglect, disregard, ignore, overlook, slight, forget, discount significan pasar por alto sin proveer la atención debida.
  • Neglect indica el no poner suficiente atención a algo que exige la atención o el cuidado de uno <having fun every night and neglecting his studies>.
  • Disregard connota una falta voluntaria de atención <disregarded the wishes of the other members>.
  • Ignore indica la omisión, a veces deliberada, de atender o reconocer algo que es obvio <ignored the nasty comments>.
    antonyms: heed, acknowledge
  • Overlook connota desatender o ignorar mediante la prisa o la falta de cuidado <in his rush he had overlooked some important examples>.
  • Slight indica el ignorar u omitir con desprecio o desdén <she claimed that the memo had slighted her own work>.
  • Forget puede connotar ya el ignorar de manera voluntaria, o el no grabar uno algo en la mente <forget what your friends say and listen to your conscience>.
  • Discount connota minimizar la importancia o el valor de algo <you shouldn't discount his opinions>.
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Traducción inversa para neglect

negligencia  - negligence 
descuido  - carelessness, negligence, slip, oversight 
incumplimiento  - nonfulfillment, neglect 
desatender  - to disregard, to neglect 
descuidar  - to neglect, to overlook, to be careless